i've been lazy in posting lately. not because i have nothing to say, but because there is so much going on in me head that me can't get it out in a coherent thought. church has gotten quite frustrating lately, and at this point i'm being a little careful with the whole thing. and that's making me even more frustrated. on top of that, lots of theological ideas going through my head (and i'd like to thank jer for adding to that mess.) though i'd also like to thank him and rie for a guiness tin whistle from ireland. which brings me to my next frustration. i'm being very lazy in the musical department. i'm not playing very much. a little bit of bass now that the amp is in my bedroom. a little bit of acoustic guitar because my dads is sitting in the corner of the kitchen. i only play piano at the girls house. i haven't touched an electric guitar in weeks, and i only pick up a violin when mom needs me to show her something. all this laziness and still i'd like to learn to play a cello (actually i'd prefer a viola de gamba, but them's rare and 'spensive) and to really learn to play an upright bass (i can pluck out a decent line or two at the store but i'd like to get into it.) which brings me to the next matter of laziness... luthiery. man i'm slacking on that front. i have the body of a six string bass carved and ready for a neck and a big neck blank ready to be cut and shaped and installed, but it's been sitting there for months and months. i have a disassembled electric guitar that i used to love and is now just a reminder of making a stupid decision and destroying something i really liked ( i was gonna make it better.) i've also got drawings for two other basses and a travel electric as well as working out an electric upright in my head (it would solve the above problem of learning the upright cause i'd have one.) i'm really creative in my head but when i get to the shop i'm just unmotivated. i'm actually pretty generally unmotivated. oh well, i'm sure that'll just fix itself sooner or later, right?
well, as led zeppelin said; "time to ramble on." see you monkeys.