religion, n. - system of faith and worship (websters)
how often do we hear a cry in the church to do away with religion? why is this? do we not understand what religion is? perhaps the word has gained a christianese definition that does not match it's true meaning.
religion, n. - a daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. (the Devils Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce)
the word "religion" has negative connotations. i think when we think of someone who is "religious" we think of them having a list of rules and things they can and can't (mostly can't) do and are legalistic and judgemental and have no fun. i think lots of people view the word "christian" in the same way. in conversations i've had with people about being a christian, i've tried to convey that it's not about being religious but about a relationship with Jesus and not about doing and saying the "right" thing. so, maybe we don't understand the true meaning but i think we have to meet people how they see it.
Posted by: helen
January 16, 2006 5:02 AM
"system" of faith and worship... That's my problem. Christ is not a "system". Religion, by definition, implies that the almighty God can be confined to a "system".
Posted by: Jer
January 16, 2006 5:10 AM
i'm not sure what you're problem is there Jer, no where does it say that God is confined to the religion. it says religion is a system of faith and worship. no matter how you approach christianity, there will be a system to it. the system of a faith is simply the ways and means that you practice that faith in a Truth (preferably the Truth of almighty God.)
also, the Christ and Paul both leave us a multitude of instructions as to how to live as Christians and how to follow a path towards becoming more Christlike. that is a system, a method, and in the end a religion. James 1:27 actually says that true religion (i'm looking at four translations and all four use the word) in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Posted by: eustace (matt w)
January 16, 2006 6:35 AM