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September 30, 2005
apparently i misread robins suggestion, it was actually: birth control VS. family planning. so i will abandon my views/questions on contraceptives in marriage for a moment and assume that the question is actually how and not if. i will assume that by birth control Robin means "the Pill" and that by family planning she means things like the rhythm method, dietery and other non-chemical contreceptives.
not a big fan of the pill. it has been link to certain kinds of cancer, though it may also help prevent other kinds (flip a coin). biggest problem i've seen close up is mood changes that make the user quite unhappy (and subsiquently those around her.) of course, side affects aren't the same in everyone. but the side affects only directly affect the wife, not the husband. seems unfair. if you're gonna mess with your body chemistry i've heard of a way that requires both partners to change their diets.. that seems more natural and more fair. (of course pregnacy is a little one sided to, so to even things out maybe contraception should all be on the husband.)
i'd like robin to give a better explanation of "family planning" before we go into that.
Posted by eustace at 7:55 PM | Comments (6)
September 28, 2005
starting out
let's start with artificial insemination (or lets go with general artificially created pregnacy.) is it selfish.. this can't be questioned. i'm not belittling people for desiring their own genetic offspring, it is a powerful emotional and physical motivator. but whether it be out of pride or simple fear of failure, it is still selfish. it is an unfortunate place to be. perhaps the greatest condradiction is that most of these people say (and for the most part i believe them) that they want to have children because they love/want to love and raise children. if this is the case, why not adopt one of thousands, nay, millions of orphans around the world and give them a loving nurturing home. again.. selfishness.
would/does God approve? i don't know. how much will God allow us to play with nature. at what point does medical manipulation of our bodies become mutilation of the temple. i don't know.. one tends to wonder if the commandment to share Gods love (especially with the "widows and orphans") supercedes His command to reproduce.
to me the bigger question is why does fertiliy seem to be an increasing problem in the western world? what are we doing to ourselves?
recent research into the biblical purpose and definition of marriage has made me come to the conclusion that it all boils down too two things: companionship and reproduction. from what i've read these are similar to the "love God and love your neighbor as yourself" commandment, in that, they are inseparably tied to one another. now i certainly understand the practical reasons for postponing having children (money, education, "timing"). these all make sense to me. where i then go is to this question; if reproduction and the creation of a family is an defining part of marriage, should one get married if one is not ready to have a family? also sex is first and foremost reproductive. as sensually wonderful and emotionally bonding an experience it is (i assume), it's primary function is to reproduce. removing this function seems to fight against what God has created us to do in favour of pleasure without responsibility. i would love to talk to someone who uses or used birth control about this to see how they rationalize it within the context of a christian marriage, but it seems a rather awkward subject (which is strange for me.)
i will add this disclaimer: i do not face either of these situations at this point in my life, and my statements and ideas are based purely on anylitical observation. i recognize that these subjects involve a great deal of emotion for those affected and do not wish to hurt them, i am simply stating what i see to be true. if it were (or when it is) me i really cannot guarantee i would continue to support these opinions.
Posted by eustace at 2:18 AM | Comments (8)
September 23, 2005
i'm not being a very "good" blogger, but most of the geeky stuff i learn is of no interest to the folks that read this and everything else they were probably there for. so i've got a game we can play. i love ranting about certain topics, but i hate picking a topic that is currently bugging me because i tend to babble or get upset.. bitching that's the word.
so here's the idea: give me a topic. i'll write something about it (hopefully i'll have a few choices to pick from) and then, hopefully, i'll provoke a discussion or even a small tiff. try not to be real vague. don't write "art" or "religion", say "modern art" or "the use of religious retoric in politics".
so sign in and be an aggitator. i do this knowing the chances of getting a good response are low, but what the heck.
Posted by eustace at 9:18 PM | Comments (5)
September 22, 2005
if you've got some time and a decent connection this stuff is worth your attention.
Posted by eustace at 2:05 AM | Comments (0)
September 20, 2005
thanks to sites like the inked blog and the cobrasnake as well as shows like Inked on A&E and Miami Ink on discovery i've realized tattoos are trendy trendy shit. it's funny how whats punk one day is normal/trendy the next. so now i'm thinking to myself; why spend hundreds of dollars on something that, while original to your body, is just like so many others? it's more counter culture, more punk, to keep the skin free of ink. of course i'm not claiming to be punk.
"punk" is actually a word that's been very abused in recent years. it used to refer to counter culture behavior, anti -mainstream. but the bands, styles, and attitudes that are called punk now, while mimicing some of the old guard, are the mainstream. punk was innovative and on the edge. making it's own rules. DIY. now you get Tim Armstrong envoking shouts of "i will not conform" from 5,000 dyed/spiked/shaggy haired, skateboard toting, tattooed kids, fists in the air (in the land of hipocracy.. RATM reference.. sorry.) "punk" has become pop culture. i'm gonna be sick.
Posted by eustace at 1:42 AM | Comments (1)
September 16, 2005
still thinking.. talk amongst yourselves
Posted by eustace at 5:25 AM | Comments (2)
September 13, 2005
no great words of wisdom to write.. oh well we'll just have to wait
Posted by eustace at 4:45 AM | Comments (0)
September 7, 2005
k*rk was in the BC this last week (or so) and did a tonne of shopping (i believe some 40 records and a bunch of cds). since i was picking him up at the airport he got me a prize. a cd. specifically a goldfrapp cd. the "twist" single, which has (in addition to the single version of the song) two remixes of "twist", a b side, a live version of "deer stop" from felt mountain, and a featurette .mpeg about goldfrapp with live footage of her (they?) preforming the song.
thanks k*rk!!
he also got me some japanese cd's. one is of koto music (japanese harp) and the other is a comedy cd, which i can't understand and on which the audience doesn't laugh so i don't know what the deal is.
Posted by eustace at 12:18 AM | Comments (0)
September 2, 2005
added a link to the sidebar that details the mighty Andrews hunting adventures. it's worth a read even if you're not into hunting as Drew writes very well and his enthusiasm is highly contagious.
Posted by eustace at 5:47 AM | Comments (0)