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August 31, 2005
here are a couple of things about CanWest Global:
CanWest Watch and a FAIR article.
Posted by eustace at 8:46 AM | Comments (4)
German: from a short form of any of various Germanic personal names beginning with wig ‘battle’, ‘war’.
Posted by eustace at 6:33 AM | Comments (0)
August 27, 2005
it's interesting how the things you find the most annoying in others are often the things that bother you the most about yourself.
Posted by eustace at 5:53 AM | Comments (3)
August 25, 2005
finally got back to the yard for the thursday soup. saw the girls new house too.
Posted by eustace at 11:24 PM | Comments (2)
August 24, 2005
radiohead is in the studio working on an new album. if you go into the radiohead page and click on "dead air space" you will get to their blog. looks like they're taking turns writing (its mostly thom and colin so far though.)
Posted by eustace at 12:18 AM | Comments (0)
August 23, 2005
adventures with k**k
good lunch, no purchases, couldn't decide whether to buy JD or Appletons so i gave up and came home. oh yeah, tenants insurance is esspensive.
Posted by eustace at 10:53 PM | Comments (2)
you need to lighten up
you take things too SEERIUSLEE
take a different job
something simple in a factory
a different place
it might make you happy
you wanna get out more
see some fields and trees and stuff
somewhere you cannot be connected by the masts
wise and disturbingly personally relavent words from the slightly random radiohead scrapbook
Posted by eustace at 1:27 AM | Comments (1)
August 22, 2005
there is news out about two movies Les Claypool has written and/or is directing. knowing that mans strange lyric writing, these movies could both be equally disturbing and hilarious.
Posted by eustace at 1:19 AM | Comments (0)
August 17, 2005
didn't feel like waiting for a vinyl copy so i bought Black Cherry this aft.
Posted by eustace at 9:44 PM | Comments (0)
Were You There
origin: Negro spiritual
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when God raised him from the tomb?
possibly the greatest christian song ever, and when Johnny Cash sings it it's all i can do to not cry.
Posted by eustace at 6:58 AM | Comments (1)
August 16, 2005
Pastor Dwayne Harms of Living Hope Church, husband and father of two, died this morning at the age of 37. for the last several months his body was ravaged by aggressive and mostly untreatable cancer, and though this is an unfortunate end to a young life, his pain is now over.
Posted by eustace at 8:09 PM | Comments (1)
there is a huge debate in the states (and i suspect in parts of Canada too) about the teaching of evolution and creation in the public school system. some school boards/parents/students want to put the "theory" back in "theory of evolution" and also want the theory of creation brought up in classes. of course the evolutionist hate this idea.. i mean it's stupid isn't it. to think that we came from the mind of a higher power.. ridiculous. isn't it so much easier to accept that billions of years ago some minerals from a rock rolled the dice for a 1 in a billion chance and became a single cell life form.
what the hell is wrong with people? "science" hasn't proven evolution. not macro-evolution anyway. micro-evolution, that's easy to see. domestic breeding. geographical seperation.
the biggest problem is no one wants to talk things out. there is no dialogue, just religious retoric (from both sides.) grow up. just cause your smart doesn't mean you're right and just cause your right doesn't mean you shouldn't be smart.
by the way i'm a Christian creationist. full deal; 6 days, 6000 years, flood.. the whole bit.
Posted by eustace at 2:06 AM | Comments (2)
August 15, 2005
needed new drapes.
Posted by eustace at 4:15 PM | Comments (0)
August 13, 2005
me and bookstores are either a good combination or a bad one depending on your view point (the good one being my bookself the bad one being my bank account.) last night i picked up "Gods Politics: why the right gets it wrong and the left doesn't get it" by Jim Wallis. from what i've heard (he was on John Stewart) and read, the man is truely a prophet of Christian level headedness without compromise.
Posted by eustace at 2:29 AM | Comments (2)
August 10, 2005
adventures with k**k
grand times today. the yard has a new sandwich. it's a grilled three cheese sandwich with a chicken breast in it... so good.
the White Cat bookstore yielded another Salinger book, a copy of Beowulf, and a hardcover edition of Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass (6.95).
while i was tempted at A&B (whose prices have been jumping retardedly lately) by the 2 for 25 deal (distillers and the streets for 25$.. come on) and even more by "Black Cherry" by Goldfrapp, i withdrew empty handed. at futureshop (whilst checking on their Goldfrapp supply) kirk and i found the new Johnny Cash boxed set. it was 30$ cheaper than list price so we both jumped at it. looks aweful good.
Posted by eustace at 5:35 AM | Comments (2)
August 9, 2005
sexiest man alive
Posted by eustace at 5:11 PM | Comments (7)
August 6, 2005
after running around that damn hospital for a night and two days, i really hate whomever designed it. actually i don't hate them, i hate the way they think. look at this maze of stupidity
Posted by eustace at 3:34 AM | Comments (2)