last week i finished reading Mere Christianity at work (i had alot of time on my hands.) i found the book to explore very theological topics and at the same time be relevent and in some ways simplistic. the whole time i was thinking "people who don't understand why Christianity matters should read this" or "people who are interested in Christianity but are afraid of the Bible should read this". if only i could figure out how to get the corporate monster that publishes that book to start making them at a lower cost and stop screwing people (does it really take 16$ to print?) so they'd be easier to give away. now i realize most of you have probably read this already so if you have a copy lend it to someone who hasn't. i have one..
i'm starting Christian Reflections now.... all hail Jack
that's why MCC and other used bookstores are such great places. 25 cents for a book, yay!
Posted by: crystal | April 12, 2005 6:54 PM