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April 27, 2005
if you go to the system of a down site and stay on the first page a song will load. it's the new single from the up coming album. kirk said it was different. it is, in the sense that it sounds more like metallica era speed metal. but it is still distinctly SOAD
Posted by eustace at 9:41 PM | Comments (2)
April 23, 2005
the corporation is as good as i remembered, though at two and a half hours i'm glad to be able to pause and come back too it. lots of information. eight hours of extras too muddle my way through yet too.
if you get a chance, listen to some kid koala. he's the bloke that makes me want to be a turntablist (i'd have trouble calling him a dj, he's rather beyond that label.) on a dvd i bought last week he puts on a jazz record and then using the trumpet part from another record, plays along to the jazz record. i don't mean he juggles around to match them up. he starts and stops, speeds up and slows down, and jumps grooves all to make a couple of sections of trumpet playing on one record play along with another. simply amazing.
Posted by eustace at 6:26 AM | Comments (0)
April 21, 2005
this weeks adventures with K*rk have yielded the following goodies:
The Corporation (DVD) - the best doc i have seen in a long long time.On Bullshit - a book copy of an essay written by a Princeton prof that deals with the definitions and differences between lying and bullshit (i saw him on John Stewart, he was a funny old man)
Appletons Rum - because i have been out for a month now, and damn it i like that stuff
there is also a new stereophonics cd out that was tempting, but at the end of may both the new System of a Down and the new Audioslave come out... plus i wanna buy a set of turntables.
Posted by eustace at 10:52 PM | Comments (1)
April 17, 2005
finally used some of my christmas "McNalley Money" to buy a book... the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engel. oooh deep. some of what's left is going to a book i ordered about the work of Alphonse Mucha. i had ordered a much more expensive one but after four months they finally told definitively (as there was some question) that it is out of print and that they could not procure a copy from anywhere within they're system. the new one is much smaller and half the price. the rest of the money will probably end up being spend on something by either gorey, kerouac, or chomsky (though there is a book of collected writings by subcommandante marcos that looks very interesting.)
in other book news i picked up a copy of on the road on friday while shopping with rie at westgate books. 10$ (that's half price.) well done.
Posted by eustace at 9:38 PM | Comments (0)
April 14, 2005
kirk and i went to the symphony book and music sale today. the book part was a bit of a bust, but the music was happening. kirk spent like sixty bucks and walked out with a cardboard box full of records. i only spent twenty-five and fifty and only got four records and a cd. my score was:
Beatles - Abbey Road (10$)
Beatles - Sgt Pepper (12$)
Joe Jackson - Night and Day (1$)
and a copy of the Firebird Suite by Stravinsky (50c)
the cd was the Boomkat cd (i'm sure there's only one). it's sortuv dirty sounding pop that i should be ashamed to own but it's wierd enough to justify it (especially for 2$.)
good way to spend two and a half hours though (well sortuv good.)
Posted by eustace at 11:44 PM | Comments (0)
April 11, 2005
last week i finished reading Mere Christianity at work (i had alot of time on my hands.) i found the book to explore very theological topics and at the same time be relevent and in some ways simplistic. the whole time i was thinking "people who don't understand why Christianity matters should read this" or "people who are interested in Christianity but are afraid of the Bible should read this". if only i could figure out how to get the corporate monster that publishes that book to start making them at a lower cost and stop screwing people (does it really take 16$ to print?) so they'd be easier to give away. now i realize most of you have probably read this already so if you have a copy lend it to someone who hasn't. i have one..
i'm starting Christian Reflections now.... all hail Jack
Posted by eustace at 11:32 PM | Comments (1)
April 10, 2005
lovely night at the symphony last night with the girls and scotty. thomas yu is amazing. he played a Chopin piece on his own that was mind blowing. we then went to the freehouse for drinks and a morsel to eat. people are funny.
Posted by eustace at 6:13 PM | Comments (1)
April 7, 2005
"never forget that we are all still 'early Christians'. the present wicked and wasteful divisions between us are, let us hope, a disease of infancy: we are still teething. the outer would, no doubt, thinks just the opposite. it thinks we are dying of old age. but it has thought that very often before. again and again it has though Christianity was dying, dying of persecutions from without and corruptions from within, by the rise of Mohammedanism (Islam), the rise of physical science, the rise of great anti-Christian revolutionary movements. but every time the world has been disappointed. its first disappointment was over the crucifixion. The Man came to life again. In a sense - and I quite realise how frightfully unfair it must seem to them - that has been happening ever since. they keep on killing the thing He started: each time, just as they are patting down the earth on its grave, they suddenly hear that it is still alive and has even broken out in some new place. no wonder they hate us." - C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity
Posted by eustace at 12:40 AM | Comments (1)
April 6, 2005
check this out
couple of links on the side to some british Telly.. if you're interested
Posted by eustace at 4:15 AM | Comments (0)
April 2, 2005
it seems the problem with mankind is that we would sooner make God out to be more like us rather than make ourselves more like God. we would sooner choose to believe what we want rather than believe what God says. we would sooner deny a Truth because it "offends" us, rather than accept Truth for what it is.... Truth
Posted by eustace at 9:10 PM | Comments (0)
April 1, 2005
you would be suprised at how heavy the lower half of someones leg is.
Posted by eustace at 3:18 PM | Comments (3)