I watched 3 back-to-back episodes of 'Little House on the Prarie' last night (not by choice), but it really got me thinking about consumerism starving our culture of so many things such as work ethics (mostly physical), value of gifts, value of community ... When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a pioneer. Although I laugh at that now, I think I was attracted to the simple lifestyle portraied in shows such as little house, anne of g.g., bonanza, etc. These shows exhibited qualities and moral that don't even seem to be present in family TV these days. One of the only show I can think of is "Malcolm in the Middle" which is about a disfunctional family who don't seem to measure up to societies standards. Anyways, just a few thoughts.
... which is probably why we all remain exhaustingly busy. because if we stopped to think about it, we'd all realize that we are each of us depressed. oh, and good point sally. my dad's a farmer and he's the happiest person i know. is depression really on account of boredom or disillusionment? once i went to the doctor for depression and he told me to stop expecting so much out of what i was doing. therefore, i prescribe lower expectations for everybody... hahaha! that's like saying, life sucks let's face it. but idealism is still so sweet while it lasts. i've said this before but everyone please read, "the road less travelled" by scott peck. (it's in most used bookstores).
I watched 3 back-to-back episodes of 'Little House on the Prarie' last night (not by choice), but it really got me thinking about consumerism starving our culture of so many things such as work ethics (mostly physical), value of gifts, value of community ... When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a pioneer. Although I laugh at that now, I think I was attracted to the simple lifestyle portraied in shows such as little house, anne of g.g., bonanza, etc. These shows exhibited qualities and moral that don't even seem to be present in family TV these days. One of the only show I can think of is "Malcolm in the Middle" which is about a disfunctional family who don't seem to measure up to societies standards. Anyways, just a few thoughts.
Posted by: Sally | February 4, 2005 3:00 PM
... which is probably why we all remain exhaustingly busy. because if we stopped to think about it, we'd all realize that we are each of us depressed. oh, and good point sally. my dad's a farmer and he's the happiest person i know. is depression really on account of boredom or disillusionment? once i went to the doctor for depression and he told me to stop expecting so much out of what i was doing. therefore, i prescribe lower expectations for everybody... hahaha! that's like saying, life sucks let's face it. but idealism is still so sweet while it lasts. i've said this before but everyone please read, "the road less travelled" by scott peck. (it's in most used bookstores).
Posted by: jordi | February 7, 2005 3:16 PM