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things i've learned since Nov 4

- i enjoy depeche mode and bryan ferry, but still don't get the cure (i thought i got it and then i didn't)
- i can spend 30$ on a cd and still feel good about it
- i can buy two primus cd's in a day and still feel great about it
- primus has never sucked
- andrews movie renting ability is a little hit and miss
- i hate my job (wait i already knew that)
- pj harvey makes a great album
- i don't write enough stuff on this stupid thing


Woo-hoo! Except I don't "get" how you still don't "get" the Cure. Really.

good reflection... why november 4th? something must have happened to strike some sort of reverie in you... maybe andrew renting a bad movie.

it was the last time i posted something.

30 bucks is alot. then again, primus is head and shoulders above...okay, well nobody sounds like them. primus rock the boat.

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