Day One
made a little trip to the city this afternoon to do a little shopping. and i mean a very little shopping. if there is an album i want on the first day, i'll go to the city just for that. and i wanted this cd. i'm listening to it at this minute. it is, of course, very good. the songs at the beginning are very... different. but about four in it get's a little more "Sarah" but then back a bit again. like i said very good. i think when Riener asked me to describe her music to someone and i said "she's like an amazing '30s jazz singer that listens to radiohead and church choirs all day" i was pretty much on key. VERY GOOD!!
Tell us how you REALLY feel....c'mon....
One more time....with feeling....
Posted by: Lo | September 28, 2004 11:01 PM
smart ass
Posted by: eustace | September 30, 2004 6:19 PM