be a mite perfectionistic i often start artistic (or any) projects, get halfway through and decide it's doomed to not be good enough and throw it away. i have just done that with my second attempt at a 6 string bass body. the first one will be turned (thankfully) into a 4 string. this one is a mind bender. i hate the way it looks and feels and don't know what to do with it. maybe i'll throw a piece of crap neck on it and sell it to mark as a piccolo bass (oh yeah!) so i'm back at the beginning, i have lots of wood (though i'd like a different kind for the core) but i need a shape. i've got a couple ideas that are old four strings i'd come up with and might be able to mutate. fortunately i didn't have a neck on the old one (it's not even built yet.) it has to be a 6 string as i have a very good and not cheap pickup for a 6 string (well it's for a 5 string but i like things close and tight.) so thats where i'm at. i've got another bass or guitar planned, the body is designed (and it won't work with this thing.) now if i just had money to get going, i could start building full time.
since this doesn't matter to any of you, i'll just say that i'm gonna miss out on a cool concert in calgary cause i actually have to work. i am however looking for someone to go see Mellisa Auf Der Maur with. Oct 18.........