i've quoted other religious texts and doctines on this log before. i don't know if i've ever quoted the Bible or the New testament before, Mark might have in comments.
C.S. Lewis was an incredible writer, whose fiction and theological works are simply amazing. He was also best friends with J.R.R. Tolkien (Tolkien was a Catholic i believe, and Lewis an Anglican.)
Perhaps the most powerful thing i've ever read out of his work, and perhaps the most powerful thing i've ever read on our relationship with God/Christ comes from the book the Silver Chair. i've written it up here for those who wish to read it, though i would highly encourage you to find and read a copy (go buy the whole set at a used book store, you will thank me later.)
way to slip in the "don't know if i've ever quoted the Bible or the New testament before". definitely a favorite pet dogma of yours. i love it.
Posted by: kirk | August 20, 2004 11:49 PM