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August 30, 2004
oi oi
today i picked up the entire set of Narnia books in one BIG book. very nice and half the price of the cheapest set of individual books (30$.) i also picked up the dover(?) cheap edition of Utopia by Sir Thomas More. looks interesting. one of the first books that promotes a socialist/communist society of equality and peace. it'll be interesting i'm sure.
Posted by eustace at 5:01 AM | Comments (10)
August 27, 2004
one ear to the ground and one to the sky
monday's trip to the library(s) produced some good selections. "Day for Night" by the Tragically Hip was the first Hip cd i ever owned, then i got rid of all of them, then i bought "phantom power". when i found it ("Day for Night") at the library i grabbed it. it's still the best album in my opinion. its so dark and seedy, even more than "fully completely" which is also wonderful. then i finally found a Cardigans cd. i'd been looking for one, but there was never one there. anyway, i've decided that england and sweden produce 80% of the worlds good music. it includes the most messed up version of "iron man" i have ever heard. the last cd i got that impressed me (there were others, one which i'm still pondering and two that blah) was boards of canada. this band is not from canada. neither is the label secretly canadian, but that has nothing to do with this. very cool stuff, trippy electronic old moog synth style stuff. so it was a good trip.
i also got a book on all the beatles gear (guitars and suchlike.) between the beatles anthology (which i own) and the books i own and have read i had already sussed out what most of them were. but it is interesting to read about how they were acquired and changes made and such. i pride myself on being able to look at almost any image of a guitar or bass and know what it is. yeah i am a nerd.
Posted by eustace at 6:56 AM | Comments (5)
August 25, 2004
a confession of sorts
i will talk about anything with anybody. well maybe not the anybody, and sometimes i don't talk i just listen. but nothing makes me cringe in a conversation (ok, i'm not totally comfortable knowing what people do in their own bedrooms), and i'm not embarassed to give answers to questions that probably shouldn't be answered. it's just fun to watch a conversation to slowly glide into the realm of "too much information" and watch people realize what their talking about. good clean fun. well maybe not clean. but fun, really fun. you don't have to be drunk to be stupid, and you don't have to be dirty to talk about "taboo" subjects.
on that note......... i'm going to bed. what you didn't think i was gonna start a conversation, did you?
Posted by eustace at 4:49 AM | Comments (4)
August 23, 2004
ahhhh... finally
new sarah slean album ....... bay over ...... September 14, 2004
Posted by eustace at 2:40 AM | Comments (3)
August 20, 2004
i've quoted other religious texts and doctines on this log before. i don't know if i've ever quoted the Bible or the New testament before, Mark might have in comments.
C.S. Lewis was an incredible writer, whose fiction and theological works are simply amazing. He was also best friends with J.R.R. Tolkien (Tolkien was a Catholic i believe, and Lewis an Anglican.)
Perhaps the most powerful thing i've ever read out of his work, and perhaps the most powerful thing i've ever read on our relationship with God/Christ comes from the book the Silver Chair. i've written it up here for those who wish to read it, though i would highly encourage you to find and read a copy (go buy the whole set at a used book store, you will thank me later.)
Posted by eustace at 7:11 PM | Comments (1)
why'd you change your name?
i've always thought about changing my name to my second name (adrian), but it's to late for that (unless i run away.) but why a new i-net moniker. well i like the new feel of the page, and thought i should use the name eustace instead. eustace comes from the last three books of the C.S. Lewis Narnia series. Eustace Scrubb. i love the name and his character. so there you are. plus if some hapless teenie finds their way to my page they won't know who i am.
Posted by eustace at 6:17 PM | Comments (2)
August 19, 2004
adventures with k**k
yesterday, k**k and i went on our weekly lunch and shopping outing. it's almost always good eats, but yesterday was especially wonderful as we went to the Saskatoon Asian Resturant and had ginger beef and singapore noodle. after that it was off to the Vinyl Exchange to once again be tempted by a bunch of t(i)nc singles (which would ease the pain of the lack of "Armed Love" being available in canada) and a swath of vinyl that reminds me i need a turntable (numark portable - $199 please.) once finished there it was off to A&B where i found the Soundtrack Johnny Greenwood (radiohead keyboard/synth/guitar man) made. i was expecting to have to order it, but they had it. i pondered buying the newest kanye west cd as i am very imperessed with the song "Jesus Walks" and k**k says he has heard other good stuff off it too.but i declined. then we went to L&M to look at chain store music gear, where i found out the mesa-boogie amp i though might be cool is $3695.00. let me just say "F**K That". i can build my dream setup for that much and have leftovers for effect pedals (hmmmm... effect pedals.) k**k found their medium priced soundman headphones, which i need a new pair of too because mine are dying. but again no money was spent by either side. and now for the embarassing part of this story..... whilst at future shop i came across a cd i had been joking with k**k, saying i was going to give in and buy it. i gave it a listen and realized it really isn't as bad as i thought. of course it's a bit like realizing Justin Timberlake is actually pretty good. it doesn't change the fact that you won't be able to get it to the counter without turning red. oh the cd was ........ ashley simpson (before i wanted it for wrong and sexist reasons, but i realized it's not terrible music and could actually be justified as a guilty pleasure.)
oh yes there was a trip to the library in there that produced the borrowing of the newest stereophonics, roots, and parkas, a badly drawn boy live cd i don't much like (i should've gone with the justin cd instead) and a bjork cd which had the pleasant suprise of thom yorke on one song (sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet.)
bubye for now...
Posted by eustace at 5:14 PM | Comments (6)
August 18, 2004
If you have been rejected
If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection isnít going to make much difference. If youíre rejected, donít automatically assume itís your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you are asking her to do: none of it may have anything to do with you. Perhaps the person is busy or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in you. Rejections are part of everyday life. Donít let them bother you. Keep reaching out to others. Keep reaching out to others. When you begin to receive positive responses then you are on the right track. Itís all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections.
if you can tell me where this is from i'll be very impressed, hell you might even get a hug.
you know living with this as your guide could really help you meet people.
Posted by eustace at 5:20 PM | Comments (7)
August 17, 2004
nicely said..
"the instrument should be your needle, and music should be your addiction."
- Oscar Peterson
"A good song should make you wanna tap your foot and get with your girl. A great song should destroy cops and set fire to the suburbs. I'm only interested in writing great songs."
- Tom Morello in Alternative Press
Posted by eustace at 9:54 PM | Comments (0)
August 15, 2004
banksy says..
"win the rat race and you're still a rat."
Posted by eustace at 4:57 AM | Comments (0)
August 14, 2004
hope lies in the smoldering rubble of empires
i've ignored this page for awhile. i had an unusually busy week (i actually had to work days) and didn't have anything to say.
anyway, not much is up or down or happening. last week i bought Yellow Submarine and forgot to mention that. i got a book at winners about all the major evils "science" has unleashed on the world in the last century. when will people get back to Right science and Right math? ummmm.. oh i ...... no thats not important. hmmmmmm.
for those of you wondering about the prose below, those are me. i mean i wrote them, though they are metaphorically autobiographical (maybe.)
alright, thats all for now. if we need a subject to discuss in the comments we could talk about the issue of weight.
Posted by eustace at 11:35 PM | Comments (7)
August 10, 2004
i am i
can you feel the cold? the coils around your heart? the black circles on your spine? does your hand twitch with its movement?
it is the worm in your head and the snake in the grass. its teeth are in your nerves. and it is in your veins. like black liquid, it flows through you, but you are not alarmed. like a baby born blind, you know nothing else. what is in you is apart of you. its wings flutter with your heart. when your mind yearns for peace, it cries out from your bones. you yearn to leave and your skin explodes with its pain. it stirs to change and you collapse with fear. it is you and you are it, the thorn in each otherís side. it aches in your joy and you writhe with its sorrow. and so, in the end, i and you are one and it and us are one and all are equal and unable and balanced in pain, power, sorrow, and life...... if there still is one. after all, that is the real question, isn't it? if two lives are one and both are none is there any left behind?
Posted by eustace at 7:05 AM | Comments (2)
August 9, 2004
ladies and gentlemen..... the mists of the old souls
as the old man of mist is reborn as the innocent child his memories fade. his innocence clouds his old wisdom with a spirit of reckless adventure and indestuctibility. and so he crawls though pain and the realization of corruption and imperfection. his mind stirs the old soul within him, and he see's the ghosts of his old eyes. the weakness of his new self pollutes his vision and writhes in his chest. the power of the emotions of centuries drain the strength from his shallow form. and so he turns to the Guide of his former incarnation and begs an answer, begs for a return to the mists, cries tears of desperation and languishes in the deceptions of his new weaknesses. and now he sleeps the sleep of the cold and tired, and rests in the confusion and the nothingness..............................
Posted by eustace at 7:00 AM
August 6, 2004
i had changed the title of my blog so that the bar at the top of the browser didn't just say "Big Ideas". then i though hmmmmmmm, that names a little cool. then we started talking about my stipper and underwear and i thought hmmm "that sorta sounds like a freaky ol'burlesque parlor. at that point i was sold. so we've got a new title here, and i'm sure we'll manage to find some topics worthy of an burlesque parlor.
Posted by eustace at 11:35 PM | Comments (1)
t'aint nuthing for nobody
worked a fair bit, so i didn't play much. got three needles yesterday, only planned on one. had a good talk about cults, even though it wasn't the topic. bought a stripper, paid 10$. bought a movie, paid 15$. blah blah blah, blah blah.
oh i almost forgot: nahnah nahnah, nahnah nahnah..... LEADER
Posted by eustace at 12:22 AM | Comments (10)