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i would like to know......

here's a question for all the couples and married people out there:
Does anybody understand the phrase "whispering sweet nothings"? Is that like romantic gibberish or naughty poetry?

And whats the deal with blowing in peoples ears? My ears are sensitive, so if somebody blew into them i'd probably crack their nose.


Sweet nothings, as I have seen are exactly that. Things said that mean absolutely nothing and are used for the sole purpose of flattery and childish laughter. As far as the blowing in the ear thing goes, it all depends who is blowing in my ear.

The sweet nothings? They're sweet usually because they're naughty, and no one else should be hearing them (all the naughtier because other people are around). whispering nothing would be pointless.
And the blowing in the ear? I hate it. It's annoying, and those who do it should have their lips sewn shut. (no bearing on my current beau, if you're wondering) past experience best forgotten....haha

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