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"capitalism is organized crime"

"capitalism is organized crime"


Marxism practiced: What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine.

yeah, that sounds about right. people often make the mistake of calling me a communist. i usually don't correct them. it makes some people nervous or puts them off guard (especially old mennonites and business people). i like that. i'm actually what is refered to as a social anarchist or social libretarian (sp). basically it means i believe in social freedom and social programs, but i have little or no faith in any governmental system. people are flawed and anything we do ourselves is doomed to fail. all governments both begin and end in chaos.

i'm a fan of alot of what the cuban revolution has done, and don't really buy into the whole "persecution" propaganda. their people live a long time, most seem quite happy, and they are actually free to leave at any time. maybe its the cigars mmmmmmmmmmm cigars.

Is that candy bar called Cuban Lunch actually sold in Cuba?

I'd agree with the Cuba thing. They do pretty good down there. That's why I have said since first year uni that a benevolent dictatorship is the best way to go. Democracy is still a form of tyranny.

Uh . . . guys? In Cuba they aren't allowed to have organised churches, other than a few home churches. The only cars they have there were produced circa 1950, before the revolution. From what I understand, the United States still has to deal with boatloads of illegal immegrants trying to escape from Cuba (I guess the Cuban idea of "free to leave at any time" should have the qualifier: "If you are capable of sailing across the caribean in a homemade boat and dodging U.S. security")

This isn't just propaganda, either. I know people who have gone on missions trips to cuba and have preached in home churches there. I've seen videos of entire parking lots filled with vintage 1950's automobiles, because there are no new cars allowed in cuba.

I am definitely not a fan of what they have done down there.

Oh, and Capitalism isn't organized crime; Government is. Capitalism is a way of keeping those elected mobsters at bay.

Who is John Galt?

I have been to a mass in the cathedral in the middle of Havana. They are allowed to go to church

They have quite a lot of modern cars -- although why that is a sign of civilization is beyond me

There are boatloads of immigrants travelling to USA but that is because they think they are more free working for $20 a day with no benefits then wotking for $20 a week with better free medical services and education

It's not perfect but it's a damn sight better then the "Democracy" in the states

Don't believe the hype

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