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April 29, 2004
nothing new
i finally broke down and bought the Asian Dub Foundation DVD i've been threatening to buy for around three months. its pretty good, not as good as i expected, but good. i've also been listening to alot of Massive Attack (boy, i really do listen to alot of british music). here are the lyrics to a song of their new 100th window album called "A Prayer For England"
In the name of
And by the power of
The holy spirit
May we invoke your
Intersession for
The children of england
Some of whom have seen
Murder so obscene
Some of whom have been taken
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Jah help us
We need more loving
See the teachers
Are representing you
So badly
That not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah calls the ones whoís
Beliefs kill children too
Feel the love of you and be healed
And may we all cry too
For representing you
So badly so badly
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Oh Jah help us
To be forgiving
The teachers are representing you
So badly that not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Posted by eustace at 3:12 PM
April 27, 2004
artsy fartsy
i really enjoyed the arts cafe last night. seeing people preform and display art is something that really inspires me. of course i've have a creative block for around 7 years now, so it frustrates me too. i wish we could do more of those kinds of things. even if we just put an actual offeratory back into the monday night service. just so we could see more of the talents in the groups shine.
oh, since nobody commented on the buddist entry i was going to put up a quote from the Koran. unfortunately my Koran is in a box under some stuff and i'm lazy.
Posted by eustace at 2:51 PM | Comments (2)
April 25, 2004
in honor of the Dalai Lama:
The Eight-fold Path
Right Belief - which is the belief that Truth is the guide of Man
Right Resolve - to be calm all the time and never to do harm to any living creature
Right Speech - never to lie, never slander anyone, and never to use coarse or harsh language
Right Behavior - never to steal, never to kill, and never to do anything that one may later regret or be ashamed of
Right Occupation - never to choose an occupation that is bad, like forgery, the handling of stolen goods, usury, and the like
Right Effort - always to strive after that which is good, and always to keep away from that which was evil
Right Contemplation - always to be calm and not allow one's thoughts to be mastered by either joy or sorrow
Right Concentration - is then found when all the other rules have been followed and one has reached the stage of perfect peace
Posted by eustace at 11:49 PM | Comments (0)
April 23, 2004
butterflies and hurricanes
i finally got a MUSE cd. for months i could only find their old one. it was far to expensive (i consider anything over 17$ expensive) so i was debating it. yesterday A&B had the new one (which has been out for a while in the UK). so that was purchased. i don't know how to explain the sound. its definitely british, it just has that sound. but its sortuv like ........... well i would say stereophonics but much heavier and with some serious electronic and classical orchestration. its just messed up.
i also picked up a "Lost Patrol" cd. its the acoustic project of the frontman for The (international) Noise Conspiracy and the now defunct Refused. what i've listened to is ok, but i'm pretty consumed by this MUSE cd.
Posted by eustace at 10:56 AM | Comments (2)
April 21, 2004
as chris has so delightfully put it i love the beatles. i am a big fan of british music, the rock bands anyway. so in keeping with that love, here's my top 5 beatles songs:
1)within you, without you - trippy with very meaningful lyrics
2)taxman - a wonderful song about the unfairness of taxes
3)happiness is a warm gun - anti-war song with very sexual lyrics
4)eleanor rigby - song about loneliness, only song by macartney i'm putting up
5)i'm only sleeping - i'm not sure what this is about, but its a little bit of the old pop beatles and the later trippy beatles
those certainly aren't the only songs i like and there are possibly other ones that would fit in there too. like maxwells silver hammer, nothing like a song about a guy that cracks people in the head with a hammer for no particular reason.
Posted by eustace at 10:32 AM | Comments (3)
April 19, 2004
guess who.....
three cheers for the first person to tell me who this is (was).
Posted by eustace at 11:52 PM | Comments (7)
i had a huge response
i had a huge response too Andrew Lilly's response to my response of his response of my statement about cuba, which was a response to mark trew's response to my earlier post, down there. sh-t, that sorta hurt to type. i took it down. i put it in the comments section of the post below. Andrew please feel free to respond to it, i like the way you express your thoughts and the amount of information you have in that little head of yours (i have no idea if it is a little head, but its a nice cliche), but i'm done. I always get bored of debates, especially political ones. the fact is while i have opinions, i don't really care. sure i think its interesting, but mostly i'm just in it for the fight. thats not a great reason to debate something. if you can argue either side, you're probably in it for suspect reasons. (i can argue both sides of that argument too)
i really don't care what other people believe, except theological stuff. and most of that is only the basic stuff. the out there stuff i'm into doesn't really matter. if you call yourself a Christian, i'll have some expectations and i expect you to have some of me. if you don't call yourself a Christian, do whatever you want. i don't care. i might feel sorry for you, and i'll probably pray for you, but i really have no reason to expect anything of you. that wasn't aimed at anybody in particular, just a statement of fact.
the point is debates are fun but if it takes to much out of me and doesn't really matter to me i get bored. maybe i need more intelligent friends that challenge me more. wait, i probably just insulted alot of people. ah what the .............
ps; andrew if you see anything else in a post you want to challenge go for it. i'll probably bite.
Posted by eustace at 3:47 PM | Comments (3)
April 18, 2004
this is a response to Andrews comment under "capitalism is organized crime":
everthing you just wrote is unfortunately misinformed propaganda filtered through the right wing american bullshit machine. churches are allowed to be formed and apperate freely unless they preach anti-revolution propaganda (the cuban revolution was actually based on the teachings of Father Felix Varela, a catholic priest). then they operate as underground churches which are usually alined with miami based anti-Castro groups which get money from the american government. the deal with the cars is that america has made it so hard for people to trade with cuba that they can barely get soap or toilet paper, let alone a newer car. also cuba has one of the best public transport services in the world (though unfortunately overcrowded) and many people use bicycles. finally the reason that people have to float to america is because the US government has banned any form of transport to or from the continental US to Cuba. its pretty hard to get into a country if you have to sneak in, even if your own country says its ok. in fact the US will turn back boats if the catch them before they hit the beach. everybody ignorantly blames the Cuban government for the situation there doesn't realize what the US has done to the Cuban people.
oh, and the captisalism thing. i think you are confusing democracy (a greatly flawed system also) with capitalism. Capitalism, or a free market economy, is basically economic darwinism. it runs on the belief that a more powerful company has the right to basically drive out small business in the name of "profit". example; walmart moving into a town and wiping out all the small family owned businesses that can't compete. only the rich and powerful survive, the poor and weak simply get poorer and weeker. the world bank, the international monetary fund (imf), and the world trade organization (wto) are all international, transgovernment, economic predators that go into countries under the guise of "spreading capitalism and democracy" and rape those areas of the little money they have as well as the natural resources they have. in most cases they also leave those countries with enormous debt. sounds like organized crime to me.
as always feel free to prove me wrong.
ps: that churches have to register with the government shouldn't be all that shocking to people. most north american churches are registered with their governments in order to gain "charity" status. i don't see a huge difference between this.
Posted by eustace at 8:10 PM | Comments (5)
i'm just watching a little documentary on Sunday Morning about Vancouvers safe injection sites and the new mayor. to me its amazing what they're doing. for years most of north america has treated drug addicts (and users in general) as criminals. instead of being given treatment, they are often put in jail. its the idealism behind the "war on drugs". this is another american catch phrase that hides the reality of fairly innocent people being sacrificial lambs (similar to afghanis, iraqis, and arabs in general in the "war on terrorism") to an end that cannot be reached. that somebody, hell that a city, would decide to throw that idealism in the trash and literally call the united states drug czar (the guy in charge of the anti-drug program) an "idiot". this is a wonderful attitude. if we can help people instead of throw them in jail that is the best thing possible.
Posted by eustace at 12:37 PM | Comments (4)
April 15, 2004
Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
so i didn't get to see hawksley workman. actually, i decided not to go. Travis would've gone (i think), but i couldn't justify 18$ for the ticket. also, the doors only opened at 9 which means it would've been doubtful he'd have gone on before 11. i actually don't go to a lot of concerts because of the late starts and the wait from the time the doors open until the show starts. the purpose of an opening act should be to entertain the audience while they wait for everybody to get there. in my mind the first act should start within at least 45 mins of the doors opening. meh.
personal quote:"i'm not a pesimist, i'm an optimist with a bad attitude."
Posted by eustace at 11:47 PM | Comments (0)
"capitalism is organized crime"
"capitalism is organized crime"
Posted by eustace at 6:15 PM | Comments (6)
April 14, 2004
i would like to know......
here's a question for all the couples and married people out there:
Does anybody understand the phrase "whispering sweet nothings"? Is that like romantic gibberish or naughty poetry?
And whats the deal with blowing in peoples ears? My ears are sensitive, so if somebody blew into them i'd probably crack their nose.
Posted by eustace at 10:00 AM | Comments (2)
April 13, 2004
try this one:
here's a little contest with no prize and no purpose.
can anyone tell me who wrote or preformed "Bungalow Bill"? extra points for the album title as well.
i've come to the conclusion that working nights is a brutal way to live. this morning on my way home i saw Brent (T-bone) headed too Tim Hortons and then Jer H going to work. man, i would have loved to have been going to work at 7:30 instead of coming home. sleeping during the day in place of the night always feels icky. meh, yeah another reason to get another job. too bad i'm such a lazy little git.
Posted by eustace at 1:24 PM | Comments (2)
April 11, 2004
little acorns
weekends over i'm ok.
k-rock (kirk) is back in full affect as the blogging beast.
this week looks like hell so far.
but what the heck, i can only see until tuesday anyway.
Posted by eustace at 11:02 PM | Comments (0)
April 9, 2004
"Good" Friday
today has so far been an okay day. i'm sortuv scared about tonight, playing at the tenebrae. the last time i was in church for a real service, well lets just say the next couple of days weren't so good. how does one serve in a setting that blinds one with pain and fear.
ah well. something for you to think about:
Within You Without You - George Harrison
We were talking - about the space between us all
And the people - who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away
We were talking - about the love we all could share
When we find it - to try our best to hold it there - with our love
With our love we could save the world - if they only knew
Try to realise it's all within yourself - no-one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you.
We were talking - about the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see - are you one of them ?
When you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you.
Posted by eustace at 6:41 PM | Comments (4)
April 7, 2004
faithless (the wonder boy)
do you ever feel pulled in a direction and, even though you're excited about the possibilities, you're terrified to go there? i've always believed that art would be the focus of my life, now i'm not sure. i'm starting to think that art may be the tool God has given to me to use towards a more revolutionary focus.
ps: i found a couple of portable record players i'm gonna look into. yet another saga in the story of my music addiction.
Posted by eustace at 6:23 PM | Comments (3)
April 4, 2004
i am a wicked child
i have a confession to make. i have a terrible addiction that is bleeding me dry. i have to make this confession. i am addicted to............................... music. suckers. no i'm actually serious. i currently have around 30 cd's out from the library. and despite my current money situation (the coffers are running low) i bought a cd today. its ok though i've been looking for it for a while (i'm sure that justifies it):
REFUSED the shape of punk to come
for those of you unfamiliar with this band, i should mention that the lead singer is also the lead singer of The (International) Noise Conspiracy. i bought this album purely on the amazingness (i made up a word) of that band and the video for the new noise (find it watch it be amazed). the band was from sweden (they are now no more), and i now know where Blindside got their sound. well maybe they grew up in the same scene. i'm a big fan of music thats sincere and intense. well holy sh*t, this stuff is both beyond imagination. if you've got a good connection check it out. i know you can watch the video for the new noise at launch.com
Posted by eustace at 11:42 PM | Comments (1)
April 2, 2004
pennies? pennies for the poor?
well, got back from Regina yesterday. i think i'd have to be able explore for a week before i'd even say that place was ok. my first impression; that place sucks like pothead on a bong. actually, i bought a book i've wanted for a long time at a good price and kirk got a part for his turn tables for nothing. travis just sorta tripped out and drove us around. he's a good guy.
after returning i did the books, and i came to a conclusion. i am skint. for those of you not familiar with british vernacular that means i'm broke, poor, screwed. so if push comes to shove i'll have to force myself to get a job whether i can handle it or not. maybe my birthday will bring glad tidings and wonderful prizes.
peace and many blessings
Posted by eustace at 6:48 PM | Comments (5)