Distorted Reality
at Caro's suggestion (insistance, persuasion) i finished watching the main part of the Noam Chomsky DVD i bought the other day. the full title is "Distorted Reality (Americas war on terror?)". over all its a very informative and interesting DVD, but man long and boring. you really have to be into this stuff to sit through it. after the main part there is an extra hour of question and answer stuff. again very good as far information, but long. i've only watched one or two of the questions, i just can't sit through it right now.
one of the big things he talks about is the fact that if you go by the U.S. military handbooks definition of terror, then the U.S. is one of the most guilty of all. in 1985 the reagan administration was crying out for international oppostion to terror in the middle east and south america. while doing this, they voted against a U.N. proposition apposing terror because one paragraph stated that this apposition did not apply to any people suffering under a colonial or racist government. of course during this time the U.S. was supporting both the incursion of Israel on palestine and lebanon (mostly through aiding them in acts of terror) and supporting the apartheid government in south africa. he also goes into the fact that during 1985 the U.S. and C.I.A. aided israel in the top 3 acts of terror of that year.
when i hear this stuff it scares me. it scares me because so much of the Church supports any form of support towards the "Nation" of Israel. knowing the little bit that i do about israels history in the old testament, i really don't want to be associated with them. God has a history of kicking them (and their allies) square in the ass when they begin behaving out of greed and vengence. i really don't want to be around for that.