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March 01, 2004
birth controller
i don't remember putting up anything about the pill on here yet, but what the heck (maybe it was on the old site). i've actually got some pretty strong opinions about this. in fact i'm still working some stuff out. i'm not a big fan and i'm not sure money is a good excuse but thats my opinion. other than that i'm not really willing to tackle this issue. my opinion on it would probably be hurtful or offensive to some people and since i'm not currently faced with this choice (and it is a choice) i would rather stear clear of it.
Posted by eustace at March 1, 2004 11:15 AM
Hey Matt
I was just commenting on what the other guys said. Sorry if it offended you.
Posted by: Rie at March 1, 2004 01:02 PM
Matt, where did the post go with the list of questions? I couldda swore I read something of the sort but it's not here anymore.
Well, I'm kinda with Marie . . . it's a tough issue though. To be completely honest, at this point in my life if I had to choose about whether or not to have a child I would choose no and take the birth control. But, I'm a big fan of adoption too and hope to go that route when the time comes. It's interesting to hear what men have to say on the issue though. I've never even asked them because I guess it's always seemed like a woman's issue first and foremost to which a man only has a say when he is involved with a woman. I'm not saying guys don't have a say, just that we instinctively don't even ask. I really want to hear what guys think.
Posted by: caro at March 1, 2004 03:14 PM
I believe that c-sections are an amazing emergency procedure, but our society is using them as a cop out. God created women to be able to give birth, and sometimes there are problems, and medicine should intervene, but sometimes medicine needs to back off.
I have gained some pretty strong views about epidurals and painkillers while birthing as well. As I said above, God created women to be able to handle this pain. It is not a walk in the park, but how many women have given birth without painkillers in the last thousands of years??? Again, there are risks associated with epidurals that medical professionals are not too great at sharing. Another thing associated with that that bothers me is the fact that women, when they are pregnant avoid at all costs taking medications. Taking pain killers, antihistamines, antiinflamatories, etc. And then, all of a sudden, the doctors are pumping them full of drugs....just doesn't make sense to me.
Anyway, I'll stop ranting, but I am glad other peopel are taking notice of this 'epidemic' of unnecessary c-sections that have been happening.
Posted by: Angie at March 1, 2004 06:49 PM
hold on, when i put that link up about natural family planning, i was mentioning that there is an alternative to the bcp. i was not doomsaying the birth control pill but i have yet to see one person on this comments section mention natural family planning as a birth control method.
Posted by: Kirk at March 2, 2004 09:18 AM
Hey Kirk, I've never heard of this natural family planning thing. The web link you had is a page that wants you to "subscribe to our way for only so much per month blah blah blah" so I didn't get very far but it would be interesting to find out what it is exactly...
Posted by: Jer at March 2, 2004 10:00 AM
actually it gives some information on the site but it's not the best to navigate through. i don't know what i think of it yet. apparently all you need is one book to give you the details. this is really an advanced version of the rhythm method(which reminds me of a joke: what do you call a couple who uses the rhythm method? parents.). if you did a google search you would find alot of information on this stuff. it isn't an easy route though. it involves diet and taking temperatures and some other information i am not aware of. i haven't done much investigation. it is what the roman catholic church trys to motivate(and apparently is the only birth control they endorse)people to use. i have heard of some couples who use this and apparently it can work. it is alot of work though. it also would structure you're sex life in a slightly different way so that may or may be a consideration. maybe not the best link to have put up but if you did a google search you could find some better pages on where to access information. the first person i heard speak of it said that it was such a great gift to you're wife. i don't know whati think. also jer, i don't condemn you're choices to use the bcp. i have not made a conclusion on that matter but like i said before, it is an issue betweeen you and you're wife to be.sex is very important in marriage as recreation and not just procreation. it has been known to be used to help fix up marital difficulties. then again, i don't think anyone is taking the procreation only stance. i think that would make me feel like a tomcat locked in a cage.
Posted by: Kirk at March 2, 2004 11:52 AM
I thought that a study that was recently done at the U of S proved that a woman can get pregnant any time and therefore the rhythm method is not effective. I heard it on the CTV news a few months back.
But hey...I think we all know that the media can be wrong.
Posted by: Marie at March 2, 2004 12:55 PM
It has been proven that most women ovulate more than once/month making the rhythm method completely and utterly useless. My instructor told us a 'joke'....what do you call people who use the rhythm method?
Parents. Ha!
Posted by: Angie at March 2, 2004 04:12 PM
that study was performed and indeed intriguing. it is based around rhytnm but i have heard of a number of couples using nfp and it working. the rhythm method on it's own would be foolish. this includes nutrition and body temperature and a number of factors. it is very disciplined. i don't know that it is the best thing, although if it worked, it would be the safest.
by the way angie. that joke was in my earlier post. a classic, no doubt.
Posted by: Kirk at March 2, 2004 04:30 PM