not born of woman
i just saw a report on the news about the fact that some women are asking for(and receiving) ceasarian sections without a medical cause. they want them because then their is no pain. while i have great respect for the pain women go through in child birth (and i know i'll never have to bear my own kids) , this is surely another capitalist cop out. the idea that you should have surgery (which is never minor) over a natural God given process (which if done properly by someone who knows what they're doing, ie:not a doctor a midwife, can be more beautiful than painful) for convenience is almost disgusting. i'm very much getting the feeling we (especially as Christians) need to look at how many unnatural things we are doing to ourselves. i could seriously rant about the whole natural child birth issue for days, its one of my pet projects (is there such thing as a male midwife, i wonder). i've really been getting disgusted with the commodification of everything, and now this is just too far. any thoughts??
ps: i do not object to the use of C-sections in emergency cases or when either the mother or child is at serious risk.
I think you are on to something. There are so many things that we do that are unnatural in this society for the sake of convenience. It was interesting to see the media pointing out the obesity in this country that is coupled with malnutrition. The culprit: fast food. C-sections when necessary are wonderful. C-sections for convenience is terrible.
We don't even need to get started about birth control.
Posted by: markio | February 28, 2004 6:31 PM
i can't wait until this guy looks into natural family planning. did you know that many mood-related drugs don't fair well with the birth control pill, the condom has tiny holes in the latex and from what i hear it kinda decreases the pleasure of sex. convenience is king and respect only goes as far as you're bathroom door these days.
Posted by: Kirk | February 28, 2004 8:54 PM
so here is a start to the search on natural family planning
Posted by: Kirk | February 28, 2004 9:23 PM
Just a few things to say on the birth control front...I see your point, but in some ways I would have to disagree. For certain people it would encourage promiscuity and I see that. But let me use myself for an example...I know that financially Jer and I cannot support a child once we're married. Is it wrong for me to be on the birth control pill for that reason? Just a question. Also, many women go on the birth control pill for health reasons as well.
Working where I worked (a day care centre) I've seen a lot of parents who don't really care for their children like they should. It's a sad life for a child to be raised in a family where they do not get what they need. I wish that our society took advantage of the adoption process in situations such as this...but the truth is that it is extremely difficult for parents to 'give their child up' so to speak. However, it is the selfless thing to do. So which is worse? Being on birth control because you know you can't provide for a child properly or having a child because you were not on birth control and not managing to properly care for the child?
Just some questions to throw out there.
Posted by: Marie | March 1, 2004 9:08 AM
It should be noted that I mainly wanted to get you going on the subject Matt.
The virdect is still out in my mind. The downsides for me are the side affects, the money, the possible moral dilema of aborting fertilized eggs (although I'd have to look into it more), the side affects, the reduced fertility after being on the pill for prolonged periods of time and the side affects.
All of that being said, I don't think that I could call it wrong or even say that I would stand strongly opposed to it. The one thing that I do find difficult is that we have done a good job of multiplying the species and I don't think that everyone having 10 children would be a better solution at this point in history. So then what are the real options.
Posted by: markio | March 1, 2004 3:35 PM
I am in the alternative health care field (massage therapy student) and we have discussed the pros and cons of birth control. I believe that if people are not ready to have children that prolonging it is okay. However, the doctors are not very good at pointing out the possibly negative side effects of the birth control pill.
Putting hormones into your body can cause harm, most times it doesn't, but there are risks. There are other forms of birth control (ie condoms) that are less risky, however I do believe that if you are taking the step into marriage and sex, that you should be somewhat prepared for parenthood. People should know that the only 100% sure birth control is abistinence (and no I am not saying that married couples should abstain if they are not prepared for children), but I think that if you are having sex, you should be somewhat prepared to be a parent.
Basically what I am trying to say is that women (and men) should educate themselves about the risks and benefits associated with different forms of birth control. Being in the alternative health care field has taught me to question more. Doctors do not know everything, they do make mistakes, and have a tendency to not divulge all the risks, unless you probe for answers. So educate yourselves!
Posted by: Angie | March 1, 2004 6:39 PM
OK, a really big misconception (pardon the pun) I must dispell before too many people start to believe it. The pill does not abort fertilized eggs. What the pill does is give you a dose of two separate hormones that actually cause you to never ovulate. That means there never is an egg to begin with. And not a lot of people know the benefits of the birth control pill either. Many women are actually prescribed the pill for irregularities in their monthly cycle. It also helps prevent certain types of cancer, and the side effects are said to only last about three months in most women. It just seems like a lot of people aren't really that educated (especially men) about the pill and yet they still have somewhat strong views about it. I don't see stopping an egg from coming out with the pill as that different from stopping sperm from coming out with a condom. Just my three cents...
Posted by: Jer | March 2, 2004 8:21 AM
alright, i hope nobody gets the idea i am fully against the pill. but like any medication it has side effects and i have to side with angie and say those need to be assessed. in alot of ways though, it is one of those things where people need to examine as a couple what is right and what risks are you taking. also, you can get pregnant on the pill. i have a co-worker who did. it is less likely that way though. i don't think couples should need to rush into having children but i question some of our medical methods. you see, i am medicated for a mood disorder and as good as that is to be medicated, i hope i find the day when i can work out all the little things so maybe i can minimize the drug intervention. i don't know if that will happen. my psychiatrist once told me that no medication is without side effects. whether or not they effect you that way, they will effect somebody in an adverse way, so you need to know what is good for you. i do hear you marie as i have now heard that the bcp can be used for things other than birth control and i suppose i din't recognize that.
Posted by: Kirk | March 2, 2004 9:15 AM
Cheers Kirk. It's good to hear where you're coming from too.
Posted by: Marie | March 2, 2004 9:30 AM
Man, this is some great discussion. Jer, that's what I originally understood as well but a friend of mine argued the other way (that's why I said that I would have to look into it more because I'm not that educated on this subject).
I would have to say that if a fertilized egg is not aborted then I would not be able to call it a life moral issue. It would be more a matter of taking care of your body. The side effects are still there but they can be handled.
Does anyone know if prolonged use of the pill between a couple really helps to produce infertility in a couple? I've heard that over years a woman can produce anti-bodies for the sperm of a specific male. This is another thing that I haven't read a medical article on but have heard from multiple sources.
Posted by: markio | March 2, 2004 1:11 PM
From the literature that I have read, after prolonged use of the pill, it can take a woman up to a year to begin to naturally regulate her cycle again. I know some people who had a hard time getting pregnant after coming off the pill, and some who got pregnant right aways. It is possible to become pregnant on the pill (ie while taking antibiotics, missing a pill one day, etc), but it is probably the most effective method of birth control. I have done a lot of reading and never heard anything about the pill aborting fertilized eggs. As Jer said, the hormones do not allow the woman to ovulate which prevents pregnancy from occuring 99% of the time. Glad to see some men out there educating themselves in this area. :)
Posted by: Angie | March 2, 2004 4:22 PM
I have a friend who went off birth control and a week later she got pregnant with her son. Just a little info I guess. I think it depends on the woman. You make some good points Angie.
Posted by: Marie | March 3, 2004 9:08 AM