February 27, 2004
not born of woman
i just saw a report on the news about the fact that some women are asking for(and receiving) ceasarian sections without a medical cause. they want them because then their is no pain. while i have great respect for the pain women go through in child birth (and i know i'll never have to bear my own kids) , this is surely another capitalist cop out. the idea that you should have surgery (which is never minor) over a natural God given process (which if done properly by someone who knows what they're doing, ie:not a doctor a midwife, can be more beautiful than painful) for convenience is almost disgusting. i'm very much getting the feeling we (especially as Christians) need to look at how many unnatural things we are doing to ourselves. i could seriously rant about the whole natural child birth issue for days, its one of my pet projects (is there such thing as a male midwife, i wonder). i've really been getting disgusted with the commodification of everything, and now this is just too far. any thoughts??
ps: i do not object to the use of C-sections in emergency cases or when either the mother or child is at serious risk.
Posted by eustace at 11:51 PM | Comments (12)
February 26, 2004
back in black
not black yet, but its coming. apparently our HD crashed and we lost the whole shebang. nuts. so now i get to start from the beginning, blech. i might go in a new "more stuff, less fluff " direction, tackling interesting subjects. right now i just wanna get this thing looking un-crappy.
Posted by eustace at 9:14 AM | Comments (5)