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January 2007 Archives

January 22, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

James and I had a great time in Mazatlan, Mexico this Christmas with my family. It was so nice to see our two nephews and spend time in a sunny place again. We have been in withdrawal from the sun for the past few months so it was nice to get a good refresher. We arrived in Mazatlan Christmas day and spent 2 weeks visiting with Ives family, my family, and relaxing. It was great!! We got to go to a pinata party on New Year's Eve in Ives' neighborhood which was really cool. We all got to take a few swings at the pinata but none of us Canadians were successful at breaking it!

I will be posting some new photos so click on the "Image Gallery" on the right hand side of this page!!

Have a great New Year everyone!!

We're having a baby!!

In case you haven't heard yet... we are having a baby!! I am 21 weeks pregnant (which works out to be almost 5 months pregnant). Our due date is June 2!! Yeaaaaah!!! We went for our first ultrasound on December 21 and everything looked great. The baby even waved at us!! - that was really neat. We go for a second ultrasound next month so that we can get more accurate measurements. I feel like the baby is growing rapidly - especially in the past month. I have got a belly now!!! ahhhhh. I am also feeling lots of movement which makes it feel very real. I can't believe how much the baby is moving already.

We aren't sure whether its a girl or boy. James really wanted to find out however in parts of British Columbia, the ultrasound tech is not allowed to tell the patients because there have been many cases where when people found out they were having a girl, they would abort!! Its sooooo sad that people could be so horrible, but now we have to deal with the consequences. We are okay just knowing that our baby is healthy though.

Ever since November I have been having really bad back pain. The doc thinks its my psiatic nerve. I've been going to physio but I'm still in a lot of pain. After my recent doctor's appt. my doc has put me on medical leave and told me not to work until after the pregnancy. So I am officially a housewife right now!! Which means....
I am looking for visitors!!! (and a personal masseuse). Come one, come all!!!

I'll take a photo soon so you can see my belly/baby grow!! hehe

Keep in touch!


About January 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Beers in Canada in January 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2006 is the previous archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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