Presentations... presentations... and more presentations. In my first class on Wed. I found out that I have to give THREE presentations. This is exactly what I didn't want! grrrrrrr.
Day 2 (thursday) I found out that I barely have to go to school. SWEEEET! I have classes all day Monday, 1/2 day Tuesday & Wednesday, no school Thursday, and a half day some Fridays. Not bad eh? It makes up for all the presentations.
I'm in a class of about 35 students of which only 10 make up the Adventure Tourism program. The rest are in the tourism and hospitality program. The outlook on the course looks really good.
Now for your part, I will need your prayers to get through the presentations as I am not very comfortable with them. So pray especially hard AND long on sept. 29th, oct. 25th, and nov. 27th & 29th. Thanks guys...
I'm off to study... NOT